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Parapluie Client Web Issues
Notification Tool

Thank you for contacting us about this issue with our client’s Web site.

A message from Yuri

Please briefly descibe the issue:

This form information is repackaged and sent directly to Parapluie Communications as an email. Parapluie does not save any data from this form or email in any online database or shared media. You will only receive a reply if you request one and you provide contact information in the text field above. Your contact information will never be used for unsolicited sales (spam). Parapluie shares your personal information with absolutely no one.

Contact Parapluie

To contact Parapluie Communications, please click here.

Parapluie Client Web Issues Notification Tool

Thank you for contacting us about this issue with our client’s Web site.

Contact Parapluie

To contact Parapluie Communications, please click here.

A message from Yuri

Please briefly descibe the issue:

This form information is repackaged and sent directly to Parapluie Communications as an email. Parapluie does not save any data from this form or email in any online database or shared media. You will only receive a reply if you request one and you provide contact information in the text field above. Your contact information will never be used for unsolicited sales (spam). Parapluie shares your personal information with absolutely no one.

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