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Parapluie sample project: Battle of the Atlantic Place Emblem and Visual Identity

Image of Parapluie project: Battle of the Atlantic Place Emblem and Visual Identity

One of the most exciting projects underway in Halifax right now is the building of the Battle of the Atlantic Place.

The working group for the project required a visual standard to communicate not only the excitement of the building itself, but also the history and significance of that building's mandate.

To mirror this mandate, the logo's typeface and artwork are based on the printing technologies of the Second World War era, but have been used to create a logo with a contemporary and dynamic look and feel.

Artist's renderings of Battle of the Atlantic Place: Stantec.

Sample image of Parapluie project: Battle of the Atlantic Place Emblem and Visual Identity

Sample image of Parapluie project: Battle of the Atlantic Place Emblem and Visual Identity

Always leave a positive impression

The sometimes arcane field of print production is often misunderstood, and is too often left in the hands of individuals who are not experts in the field. This leads to unwanted expenses due to added time and corrections during the printing process. Since reprints are very expensive, we recommend that you use our print production service — in which every print piece has crisp imagery, accurate colours, and is handled by an ink expert. We maintain a craftsperson's commitment to accurate and knowledgeable reproduction of materials in print.

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Parapluie's web and software developers are always eager to apply their creative skills to solve your business challenges. Whether it be a front-end point-of-sale system, a catalogue builder, or a stats tracker, our programmers are up to the task.

Everything is customizable

Does WordPress not do what you want it to do? Does Wix not behave? Parapluie builds and edits code in the very same computing languages that these products were built upon. We can modify or recode anything to make it do what you need it to do — without breaking the rest of the site! We do this every single day. Why shouldn't you get what you want when you pay for it? One size does not fit all.

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